Fort Komárno

From the ticket price (Adult): 100%
From the ticket price (Child): 100%

Tour dates:

  • 12.01-01.31. Tue-Fri 11.00, 14.00
  • 02.01-03.31. Tue-Fri 09.00, 11.00, 14.00
  • 04.01-05.31. / 09.01-10.31. Tue-Fri 09.00, 11.00, 14.00, Sat 11.00, 14.00
  • 06.01-08.31. Mon-Fri 09.00, 11.00, 14.00, Sat 11.00, 14.00, 16.00, Sun 11.00, 14.00
  • 11.01-11.30. Tue-Fri 09.00, 11.00, 14.00, Sat 11.00

A 100% discount on the entrance fee for the three exhibition sites of the Komárom fortress system (Monostori fortress, Csilla fortress, Eszák-Komárom fortress) can only be used at one location with a valid card. If free entry has already taken place in one of the facilities, then in the other museums the entrance fee must be paid according to the current tariff. The Igándi fortress, which reopened in 2024, can also be visited free of charge.


From the ticket price (Adult): 100%

From the ticket price (Child): 100%

The discount cannot be applied during events with an entrance fee.

Category: Featured Partners , Museum, cultural institution, interpretation site